Friday, November 5, 2010

Sleep Deprivation

ASTI has turned me into a zombie. Yes, I do extra curricular activities so it does make my life more chaotic but I am now fully running on auto pilot.

Today I was asked by a friend to help with concession stands at his school play, so I agreed knowing I had friends there. In the first act I was awake and lively, I sold food, I helped out, I did whatever was asked of me, in the second act I fell asleep. Because I missed the first act I was confused just coming into the second act with no prior knowledge. To be frank it kind of sucked. I was with friends I haven't seen in a very long time and I was actually doing something that didn't involve dance or school, and I fell asleep.

During the first act I was back stage, I met so many new people and it was quite fun. We told stories and got to just have a good time. This made me realize how I've stopped just goofing off in life, I only do things for a purpose. I also noticed how I can't "waste" my time anymore. I couldn't sit through one act with out being antsy, I quickly grew impatient and wanted to use my time in a better way than I was currently doing. I was constantly moving and talking to new people, almost learning about them as individuals. This was interesting to find out how different I am in social settings. I still am functional and can fit in in an environment such as this, I just view it in a different way. Instead of being the center of attention and radiating good emotions, I've converted to taking note into every mannerism someone has, taking it into account and having fun in that way.

Learning these new techniques I have, I think it has to do with not sleeping or relaxing. Instead of learning my environment the kind of forcing people to shape their views to mine, I save all that energy and focus it to not having any conflicting personality traits with them. This is probably better in the long run, but before I over analyze myself, I'm going to sleep.

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