Thursday, November 11, 2010

Responce to Stan

I read Stan's blog because most everything I saw in recent posts were responses to his, so I decided to read it Stan's Blog

"My take on the whole love scenario is that it is completely made up. It is just a state of mind that your brain tricks itself into believing is real... At this age you are guaranteed this feeling of "Love"...At this stage in our lives relationships are not meant to be everlasting, at this age relationships are just for the fun of it, or at least in the beginning they are."
I have to admit I used to think that way too. Especially because I always saw my parents fighting and thought that it is impossible to love someone forever, and the only true love I saw was between my Aunt and Uncle who were married longer than they weren't, but this came to an abrupt end when he passed away. That was when I had no hope for love because I thought it couldn't last. This is only one way of looking at love though, there are different ways of loving someone (as I posted in another blog). In this case it is talking about a romantic relation.

Talking about his girlfriend Stan states,"I love her to death and i would do anything for her on any day. But would i shed a tear if she left me? If she cheated? No, i wouldn't."
I think this is an automatic response for some people, I have been cheated on before and I didn't cry, I got angry and after about two weeks I made sure that he had dropped of the face of the planet and I was just doing things just to spite his actions. I think that it's a result to being hurt, I may not have cried but I was still hurt.

I always thought of myself of leaving the love of my life, just picking up and leaving for no reason other than being scared. I also never saw myself in a long distance relationship, let alone it lasting and being extremely important. It's true, I don't believe in love for some cases and for some people, but I can't deny being in love. Granted we are hella young and the odds of staying together forever are one in a million, but I have seen lovers starting in high school and I have seen them grow as people and still be just as in love as they were the first time they laid eyes on each other. I hope that this will be the case because I'm not going to let the phrase, "All good things come to and end" be true.

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