Friday, January 28, 2011

Response to Cindy

Responding to Cindy's blog about social networking Cindy's Blog

I agree and disagree with Cindy. Her thesis is that she believes that social networking is more harmful than beneficial. I agree with this statement when individuals are on facebook for an extended amount of time a day. An example of this extreme is a person Cindy talked to who said, "On a regular school day, I typically spend around two or three hours on Facebook. On the days I do not have school, which include Saturday and Sunday, I would estimate that you can find me online for at least four hours of the day." I feel like this is way too much. Cindy talks about how this could effect grades and start drama. I think that being on the computer so much impares social behaviors. It is commonly seen in younger generations. An example of this is my Aunties second grade class has hardly any social skills because they are on the computer all day and not interacting with other living beings. Some children-another extreme-do not even know how to apologize. It could be due to the fact they do not know what they did wrong or they could just not know how to make their wrong actions right. With social networking there is also a lack of emotion because of the little tone involved in writing in current day mannerisms. So, interpretations can be completely different than the intention.

The reasons that I think social networking is good is it creates heightened communications. If it wasn't for facebook I wouldn't talk to many relatives that I seldom see and love dearly. It is also good for rebellion-as discussed in Fargher's class. In this sense social networking is actually bettering lives and keeping communication strong.

I feel that using social networking is only beneficial in mediation. Being on facebook for two to three hours on a regular day is too much but having the option of communicating is good and useful.


  1. Good points! What do you think people who are addicted to the computer can do about their bad habits?

  2. Well, I am no expert about any of this, but I think that it all has to do with the individual, if they don't want to kick the habit there is no way they ever will.
