Friday, January 21, 2011

Orwell Response

I believe that any form of political power would corrupt anyone because it enables one to have power over another. Having this amount of control and not having to suffer the consequences of hurting another living being, such power would make anyone go crazy. The first person I thought of was Dr. Joseph Mengele.
"The 1999 New York Post survey (in which Mengele ranked as the third most evil person of the millenium)..." I personally believe that Dr. Mengele wasn't born evil, reading in other sources
"Josef Mengele was born the eldest of three children... Mengele's father was a founder of the Karl Mengele & Sons company...In 1935, Mengele earned a Ph.D in Anthropology from the University of the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in Frankfurt, he became the assistant to Dr. Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer who was a leading scientist mostly known for his research in genetics with a particular interest with twins. From this association, Mengele probably developed his life-long fascination with the study of twins. In addition Mengele studied under Theodor Mollison and Eugen Fischer, who had been involved in medical experiments on the Herero tribe in (what is now) Namibia.."
This makes me think that he wasn't entirely horrible all the way around, he had power that went to his head (which in NO way makes anything he did okay in any way).

I think that George Orwell would probably feel slightly as I do-but I cannot say because I don't know him or his work very well. I feel this way because the animals he attempts to personify are abuse victims of a higher power, that turns into communism.

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