Friday, January 28, 2011

Response to Cindy

Responding to Cindy's blog about social networking Cindy's Blog

I agree and disagree with Cindy. Her thesis is that she believes that social networking is more harmful than beneficial. I agree with this statement when individuals are on facebook for an extended amount of time a day. An example of this extreme is a person Cindy talked to who said, "On a regular school day, I typically spend around two or three hours on Facebook. On the days I do not have school, which include Saturday and Sunday, I would estimate that you can find me online for at least four hours of the day." I feel like this is way too much. Cindy talks about how this could effect grades and start drama. I think that being on the computer so much impares social behaviors. It is commonly seen in younger generations. An example of this is my Aunties second grade class has hardly any social skills because they are on the computer all day and not interacting with other living beings. Some children-another extreme-do not even know how to apologize. It could be due to the fact they do not know what they did wrong or they could just not know how to make their wrong actions right. With social networking there is also a lack of emotion because of the little tone involved in writing in current day mannerisms. So, interpretations can be completely different than the intention.

The reasons that I think social networking is good is it creates heightened communications. If it wasn't for facebook I wouldn't talk to many relatives that I seldom see and love dearly. It is also good for rebellion-as discussed in Fargher's class. In this sense social networking is actually bettering lives and keeping communication strong.

I feel that using social networking is only beneficial in mediation. Being on facebook for two to three hours on a regular day is too much but having the option of communicating is good and useful.

Major Vs. Napoleon

Major Vs. Napoleon

I believe that Major gained so much support from his peers is because of a few variables: his age, his wisdom, his ability to make an audience sway to what he wants and how he is such an idolized figure in their community. Major, serves as the source of the ideals that the animals continue to uphold even after their pig leaders have betrayed them. Though his portrayal of Old Major is largely positive, Orwell does include a few small ironies that allow the reader to question the venerable pig’s motives. For instance, in the midst of his long litany of complaints about how the animals have been treated by human beings, Old Major is forced to concede that his own life has been long, full, and free from the terrors he has vividly sketched for his rapt audience. He seems to have claimed a false brotherhood with the other animals in order to garner their support for his vision.

From the very beginning Napoleon emerges as an utterly corrupt pig (figuratively and literally. In the beginning he is acknowledged, though only toughed on, he also didn't make any contribution to the rebellion. As soon as Old Major dies he takes over the farm and makes it how he wants it and what is good for him. It seems that he has to convince everyone, including himself, that he is best for the community. An example of this is when he "trains" the litter of puppies. By "training" them he doesn't educate them, for their own good, they become minions of his new founded army. Napoleon fits the description of a political tyrant-A government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power. Doing minor research on Napoleon's name, he is named after the early-eighteenth-century French general Napoleon, who betrayed the democratic principles on which he rode to power. Such leaders Orwell related him to are: Josip Tito, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot, Augusto Pinochet, and Slobodan Milosevic.

Major seems to have a very strong voice that is easy to understand. His first speech, "Comrades, you have heard already about the strange dream that I had last night.....I do not think, comrades, that I shall be with you for many months longer, and before I die, I feel it my duty to pass on you such wisdom as I acquired. I have had a long life...What is the nature of this life of ours? Let us face it: our lives are miserable, laborious, and short..." He goes on to talk of his rebellion ideas and a song, "Beasts of England" which is a combination of Clementine and La Cucaracha. I think that the reason this is such an impactful speech is because of his pre-established reputation of leader in their community. Though he used "big" words he still used a context easily able to understand by the "lower" animals.

Napoleon on the other hand just does as he feels and contradicts the Seven Commandments in the end-which he helped create. Originally they were:
1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.
Later they were: no animal shall sleep in a beds with sheets, no animal shall dirnk alochol with excess, no animal shall kill any other animal without reason, all animals are eqaul but some are more equal than others, and four legs good, two legs better!
I think that Napoleon only does this because he has power and he can so he will.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to Reduce the Population

The population is constantly climbing and nothing is being done to stop it. This topic is especially touchy because it is about killing people or not conceiving them in the first place. The most important step we can take to help control human overpopulation is by controlling conception.

Instead of going on a rant killing millions of people it would be better to invest in something that would be placed in the body during infancy that would keep the individual from obtaining an accidental pregnancy, like the IUD used for women. This would still allow the individual to have sex they just couldn't get/get someone else pregnant. Which brings up the question that if only physical females can hold a child would men really need this device? I think not, but if the device can prevent STD's or STI's everyone should have one. If the product does prevent STD's and STI's then it would help people live, so it counteracts the purpose of lowering the population-if this is product is used as a drastic measure if not then it would be better to help people live without the hard ship of getting a disease or infection due to sex.

Another approach is making assisted suisde legal. Instead of wasting resources on an individual who would prefer not to have them, it makes sense to grant them their wish. The down side to this is that most likely there will be a lot of murder cases that will be cleared because the victim "wanted it". With that draw back there would probably be heavy laws around it to protect people, so even if they wanted it, it might take awhile to grant their wish.

I now understand why this topic is so hard to write about, there are so many variables and it is impossible to please everyone.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Orwell Response

I believe that any form of political power would corrupt anyone because it enables one to have power over another. Having this amount of control and not having to suffer the consequences of hurting another living being, such power would make anyone go crazy. The first person I thought of was Dr. Joseph Mengele.
"The 1999 New York Post survey (in which Mengele ranked as the third most evil person of the millenium)..." I personally believe that Dr. Mengele wasn't born evil, reading in other sources
"Josef Mengele was born the eldest of three children... Mengele's father was a founder of the Karl Mengele & Sons company...In 1935, Mengele earned a Ph.D in Anthropology from the University of the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in Frankfurt, he became the assistant to Dr. Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer who was a leading scientist mostly known for his research in genetics with a particular interest with twins. From this association, Mengele probably developed his life-long fascination with the study of twins. In addition Mengele studied under Theodor Mollison and Eugen Fischer, who had been involved in medical experiments on the Herero tribe in (what is now) Namibia.."
This makes me think that he wasn't entirely horrible all the way around, he had power that went to his head (which in NO way makes anything he did okay in any way).

I think that George Orwell would probably feel slightly as I do-but I cannot say because I don't know him or his work very well. I feel this way because the animals he attempts to personify are abuse victims of a higher power, that turns into communism.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Response to Max

In Max's article My Cousin which was of interest to me because one of my cousin's, Beth, who is also my best friend. Although she's over ten years older than me, we look almost identiticle (I know, I can't spell) and we are just super close.

After my uncle's death we got a lot closer. Her mom, my mom, her and I are all that we had left. She used to live in Chico, CA and I would spend a lot of time up there. Every time I would always have a feeling of relief that I would be able to get away from all my problems and be with a person who was able to make me feel more like myself than most anyone ever has.

My cousin shops a lot and that how I end up having so many clothes, it's amazing, I completely and totally love it. Even though she is almost seven inches taller than me, we still fit the same size. I miss her. Now she lives in Magalia having someone drive four hours to the middle of no where has gotten a lot harder. Magalia is so beautiful though. It's like the perfect place, it has all four seasons, it's on a big property, it lets you be alone and just think, granted the people can be complete assholes due to their under-educated ignorance and just annoying attitudes. Thankfully one hardly comes across people such as this, clamper's and tea partier's, so being alone and not having to deal with them is easy.


Ballet is a bitch. Being completely frank and honest, it is just a bitch. There is nothing natural about it, not sitting on your head, not standing on your toes, not having your groin forced to the ground, none of it. I must admit, even with all the pain from random exercising, leaping, dancing, spinning, I still love it. I know that when I'm older I'm probably going to be immobilized (or however you spell it) due to pain and completely crazy due to genetics, not a pretty future. On the other hand being able to jump around and not look like a douface is pretty remarkable and entertaining but when I get home all I can think about is how much my feet hurt and how nasty they are going to be when I'm older.

Lyrical. I always get dropped. Almost every time. This is because the only person smaller than me is a twelve year old and if they were throwing her every where it would just be all bad. The strange this is that I love falling (like with snowboarding I love it) but the only thing I don't like is being dropped, it's just rude and painful. I can't help but laugh at lyrical sometimes, just the emotions trying to be expressed through body movement hilarious. It's fun though, it involves a lot more jumps and to-the-floor work.

Tap. I don't do that.

Jazz. That is just fun all the way around, sometimes. some of the dancing is dorky but thats okay.

Technique. I'm not even getting into that...