Friday, October 1, 2010

Response To "A Difference in Life & School"

I agree with Cameron, with age comes responsibility. He discusses how it is difficult to manage his time and how school is starting to get harder. I know exactly how he feels. I am trying to get my life as an adult started while I am juggling school, dance and a diminishing social life. I don't necessarily miss my social life, aside from the fact I can't really keep it alive because I'm just to busy for it, and I do still talk to the people I care about, but I can't help missing my freedom. I think that is the hardest transition between childhood and adulthood. From a very young age most everyone knows that sometime in their lives they will have to experience responsibility and figure out how they want to live their lives.

That is probably one of the hardest things in life, figuring out how one is to live their life. At this stage in my life I'm thinking about what college I want to go to and how I'm going to get there. I never could have imagined how many factors go into deciding what road I want to take in life. I kind of feel how Cameron does when he said, "To me it felt like I was sailing through it with out any obstacles in my way. All of a sudden, I am realizing that life is not so simple. As I am getting older, I am realizing the responsibilities I have are way more serious. No one is here to tell me to do my homework, or to make sure that I study for my tests...At first, I felt like ASTI was a walk in the park...Now things are kicking into gear and finally getting interesting."

I'm kind of worried about my future, not because I think I'm going to fail in life or something I'm just worried for all the choices I will have to make. I know that it's a part of life to make mistakes and learn from them, but how will I know which mistakes are irreversible and which ones will be okay to make? I'm not afraid of the irreversible ones but it has to have some affect on the out come of my life. I am kind afraid of what my future holds because I have no idea what to expect, but I am excited to get my life started as an independent adult.

1 comment:

  1. I responded to your post. Here:
