Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fashion Response

Aleah's ideas on fashions:

I do not necessarily agree with everything Aleah had said, I also had trouble understanding some of her diction. I do not like how in her passage she discusses how individual styles can translate into race. I fully understand that race is a large factor in todays society, but never the less it the one who changes this dynamic will be evolutionary and change how society currently views other cultures and individuals. The style Aleah mainly talked about was rap culture vs. what is considered a Southern California skater style. She also discussed how race was a factor in how you can dress, I strongly disagree with this statement because no matter what your physical appearance is it should have no effect on what you put on your body.

Everyone has their own personal style and everyone has a different ethnic mix so to an extent it should have no effect on how one may dress. Also there are so many variables to what is considered race, there is: ethnicity, heritage, nationality, skin tone, physical appearance, who one is as an individual, how they act, where they came from..etc. For some reason people are so hell bent on judging others by what we see that we forget the meaning of diversity. Personally, I have been colorblind to this situation for quite sometime (in the sense where I am blind to the color of peoples skin and the stereotypes that follow), I am not saying I do not ever see color but I see it in a different way than most others do.

I do not see why others cannot see past the exterior of an individual. Diversity is beautiful thing and noticing differences is not wrong either, but when that is all someone notices it is unjust to anyone. Taking away peoples humanities purely biased on stereotypes is not an accurate source of getting to know an individual. It takes years to build up an proclaimed reputation and only a moment to destroy it. A lot of this destruction is due to what individuals assume and what they see. People who do not fit into the comfort zone of what is considered "acceptable" and do not follow the regiem in their culture they are hunted and anything and everything is used against an individual of this standard.

Also, in Aleah's passage she only discusses male fashions, it may be a very relavent example but it is not the only controversy in fashion. There is how women dress and how individuals are treated if the choose to wear what is to be considered the "other genders" attire. She also only discussed white people vs. black people. Those may be common ones used for a generalization of many races but even with just categorizing "white and black" there are so many places these individuals can come from. Race and culture is world wide, not just confined to The United States of America.

As an individual one can choose to be blind to topics such as this. One may not choose the environment they are raised in, what surroundings you encounter or even what your race is, but you can always choose who you are as a person and no one is telling you how to treat another human being. It is all a choice that each individual is entitled to make.

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