Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Self Abuse

Nothing good can come from self abuse. Most people think that it only hurts them as individuals because it is physical pain that they endure, but they cannot be more wrong. It hurts everyone that loves them. Every time a friend that is doing this I can't stand it. Knowing their lives are to hard for them to handle they express it through injury.

Many people associate self abuse with cutting or being "emo" but in reality it can be a number of things: burning, piercing, tattooing, scarification, bruising, drug use..etc. I understand the need to relieve internal pain that seems as if it could never be dealt with, but when it comes to constant bleeding, and happening very often, it hurts me just as much as it is hurting them.

I know I can't just sit by and watch people I love with razor in hand, bleeding. I try to make them feel loved and make sure they know I will always be there, but...it doesn't work. They keep cutting and burning.

I know that I am pretty emotional because of recent events in my life, but I can't help the sensation of getting choked up over the whole ordeal. To the person this is to, I love you, please stop. It's not worth it, all it leads to is muscle damage and scaring. I know I have a past too but if I have left every bit of the negativity behind and so can you. I can't stress how much I love you. You are with out a doubt my best friend and I can't stand to see you in so much pain. You know for a fact that you are the only person I have ever met that has been with me through every hardship that has been dealt to me and you have seen past all my bullshit and still stuck by me. If you can't find any motivation to stop please try, I know you are going through hardships and thank you so much for not turning to drugs or alcohol but self abuse in no better. I know you will be angry that I posted this online, but this is the only way I can get you to listen to me. I love you, I don't know how I can stress that anymore.

Q and his Insecurities

Q often molds himself to others standards and expectations, therefore a very strong characteristic Q hold is his insecurity.

The extinction of dinosaurs greatly effected Q, aside from the fact he was left to be the only one left of his kind, it also made him very cautious and untrusting. "I would have never imagined it possible to talk like that with nondinosaurs, and I was tense and mostly silent." (page 98) Q's distrust lies mainly with the evolved creatures, commonly know as the "New Ones". There are the creatures that he was conversing with in the pervious quote. Not only is Q a very insecure creature in general but also being the last one of his kind probably brings out emotions such as: why am I not like anyone else, what is wrong with me, and to a greater extent why me? All of these conflicting emotions lead to Q's demise later seen in the story "The Dinosaurs". Another trait Q acquired is his survival mechanisms. He first notes the "New Ones" mannerisms and stays quiet to insure not saying something that would displease them. He is very careful and remains tense through out the conversation to not say something that would displease them and creating conflict between the two species. Adapting to to what he has observed he actually convinces the "New Ones" that he is one of them, just ugly. After he is accepted into the New One's culture he is deemed the "Ugly One" and becomes an important figure in their community. All except for Zhan who discriminates against Q for being an outsider.

Another personality trait Q naturally has is how polite he is. In the story The Dinosaurs Q has a new love or romantic partner, Fern-flower. One night they were walking and discussing one of her many dreams when Q tells the audience about their relationship, "[It was] Nothing to intimate: I had never dared touch her.." (page 101) I was wondering id this was Q's natural response or if he was raised in this manner. In the story The Aquatic Uncle there was no evidence to suport this hypothesis on his bringing up, I also had another theory of his fear of being rejected. Maybe the reason Q was so quiet and polite was actually because he was afraid of getting rejected which would also be in tandem with his insecurities, looking even deeper into Q's psychological mind set her could also be afraid of someone being intimate with him because to feel love and have it taken away-like how it was in The Aquatic Uncle- would be unbearable.

The last dominant personality trait Q displays in The Dinosaurs is his tendency of being bipolar. In the scene where Q and Fern-flower were talking about another one of her dreams. In this dream Fern-flower watches a dinosaur acting foolish playing with his tail and being "ridiculous" but when she says that the dinosaur "cried a river of tears from his yellow and red eyes" he lost his temper. His response was: "I had a burst of pride; I stiffened and hurled a few contemptuous phrases in her face, 'Why fo you bore me with theses dreams of yours?...You can't dream of anything but sentimental nonsense!'". He displays these angry emotions because he feels that Fern-flower is seeing what he is so desperately trying to hide thorough her dreams-Q could also be showing signs of paranoia. I feel that because of all of Q's insecurities and "differences" from what he wants to be, he predominately shows anger in his defensive mechanisms if he cannot control what others see in him.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Mr. Sutherland,

Vanessa and I clearly winged it and weren't prepared but we did hold our own and made it through multiple rounds of debate. If you would like, we can show you the notes we took during the debate.


My question to the world is why is kissing such a big deal? I have been wondering this for quite some time. Ever since kissing has been introduced to my generation, people have made a very big deal of it.

The definition of kissing is: to touch or press with the lips slightly pursed, and then often to part them and to emit a smacking sound, in an expression of affection, love, greeting, reverence, etc. Still, I don't see why this is so important is social society.

I also wonder why it is supposed to be suppressed if the interaction is longer than a brief kiss, possibly symbolizing mutual respect. Once I saw a couple, who were clearly in love, making out. My Granny pulled me away and said, "....I can't believe they were doing that in public." I wonder why this is. If sexual attraction is a natural emotion why try to hide it?

To a greater extent I wonder why sex is such an intimate interaction. Sex is alleged to be the bonding between two people who love each other more than life it's self. What about when you hit college? In college all you are expected to do is have sex and party (speaking in a social setting). What happens when you get into your senior years? Do you still have sex then?

Any form of sexual interaction can be bought, sold and acquired. For instance, at a club one can hook up, at a brothel one can pay for sex or a "good time", anywhere one goes there is sex sounding them. Why is our culture so dependent on sex selling things and making people feel good about themselves. Another question; Why do we sell sex, sexual content and sex appeal but are not okay with others having sexual intercourse?

For clarification I am not saying to never have sex or kiss and I am not telling anyone to walk around naked waiting for sexual interactions. I am just wondering why everything is such a big deal.

Response: "People are so Stupid, It makes me Sick"

Response to Rokhsor

What I really like about Rokhsor's post is the title, "People are so stupid, It makes me sick". I also really liked how she admitted to her own flaws. She also stated how being judgmental is extremely immature. I agree with this, having notions prior to actually knowing someone is completely ignorant.

At first when I read this blog I thought she was going to talk about how people can be so stupid in their actions. In a sense this is what she discussed, but what my main concerns in the newly found stupidity of people is not how ignorant the are but the entire sociological make of peoples actions. I want to know why people do what they do, and the reasons they do it.

My take on Rokhsor's thoughts go in tandem with mine for how angry we both are. She is angry about how ignorant people can be and how often they judge others while mine is more along the lines of how people can be so immature, so stupid and hurtful and they don't even realize it. I don't know what ignorance she has been exposed to but I still know what she is talking about.

The stupidity I have recently been exposed to is selfishness and unawareness . I don't understand how a person can be so oblivious to anyone else. Discovering individuals take on the world is completely fascinating to me, especially how it varies between each person.

I don't want to go off on a physiological conquest because there are too many people to analyze and not all of them can be tolerated. Some are born the way they are while others have their environments influence them, most people are a combination of each. Even being born the way one is doesn't define who they will be.

When people are so stupid and ignorant it actually makes me sad to see someone so closed minded. I don't want to change who they are I just want them to understand and see the world for how it is, not the contorted one they see.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vocab. Words


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fashion Response

Aleah's ideas on fashions:

I do not necessarily agree with everything Aleah had said, I also had trouble understanding some of her diction. I do not like how in her passage she discusses how individual styles can translate into race. I fully understand that race is a large factor in todays society, but never the less it the one who changes this dynamic will be evolutionary and change how society currently views other cultures and individuals. The style Aleah mainly talked about was rap culture vs. what is considered a Southern California skater style. She also discussed how race was a factor in how you can dress, I strongly disagree with this statement because no matter what your physical appearance is it should have no effect on what you put on your body.

Everyone has their own personal style and everyone has a different ethnic mix so to an extent it should have no effect on how one may dress. Also there are so many variables to what is considered race, there is: ethnicity, heritage, nationality, skin tone, physical appearance, who one is as an individual, how they act, where they came from..etc. For some reason people are so hell bent on judging others by what we see that we forget the meaning of diversity. Personally, I have been colorblind to this situation for quite sometime (in the sense where I am blind to the color of peoples skin and the stereotypes that follow), I am not saying I do not ever see color but I see it in a different way than most others do.

I do not see why others cannot see past the exterior of an individual. Diversity is beautiful thing and noticing differences is not wrong either, but when that is all someone notices it is unjust to anyone. Taking away peoples humanities purely biased on stereotypes is not an accurate source of getting to know an individual. It takes years to build up an proclaimed reputation and only a moment to destroy it. A lot of this destruction is due to what individuals assume and what they see. People who do not fit into the comfort zone of what is considered "acceptable" and do not follow the regiem in their culture they are hunted and anything and everything is used against an individual of this standard.

Also, in Aleah's passage she only discusses male fashions, it may be a very relavent example but it is not the only controversy in fashion. There is how women dress and how individuals are treated if the choose to wear what is to be considered the "other genders" attire. She also only discussed white people vs. black people. Those may be common ones used for a generalization of many races but even with just categorizing "white and black" there are so many places these individuals can come from. Race and culture is world wide, not just confined to The United States of America.

As an individual one can choose to be blind to topics such as this. One may not choose the environment they are raised in, what surroundings you encounter or even what your race is, but you can always choose who you are as a person and no one is telling you how to treat another human being. It is all a choice that each individual is entitled to make.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nathan Brigham Markovich and Harbor Engle

Nathan and Harbor are two very near and dear people to me. Not only are they helping me with homework by giving me ideas but they are some pretty cool cats.
These two live in Ashland. A small town that isn't actually that small. Nathan took my friend
Kayla and I on an adventure to find Harbor. This consisted of three hours....

First Kayla and I were forced into eating a very unhealthy meal with my father, some joy that was. Then Kayla and I left to meet our friend Nathan who is the coolest of all the cats. This walk was unusually long but nice never the less. After dancing into a few trees and looking foolish in front of many, many people we found Nathan, then began our adventures.

First we went to some local stores scattered throughout Main Street. Then we walked, and walked, and walked and walked for another few hours after that. There was a bit of running through sprinklers, attempting hitch-hiking, mild nudity, and a lot of giving up but in the end, we found a storage facility that was grey with strange, stone gargoyles where a band practice was allegedly being held.

At this point I had given up, so I sat under a spick-it and let it run. After it was turned off, I sat wallowing in the puddle I had made, then a woman stomped by. I'm almost positive she thought I peed on myself. Not that I cared, I was tired and wanted to stop walking. Then we realized we were lost, again. Nathan called his friend, Dakota, and attempted to find where their band practice was. Thank God Dakota found us, Kayla and I were just done with life. Actually Dakota whistled and we found him....Anyway, Dakota's a beast. He showed us where to go, and then we met up with Ben. Ben is such a sweety even though he doesn't like the word "hella", he also is much more than just another tall guy. All of a sudden this tall blonde guy walks up and just hugs us as if we knew him our entire lives. Thats Harbor, I know he would like to be know as the sexy beast, therefore he will be. Someday he will rule the world, when that day comes I hope to hell we will be best friends. I think Dresden is the next one to come. This boy has the most amazing hair in existence, he just came bobbing along and the only word I can use to describe him is ba-bam, because that is just how he appears in a room. Then Chris came along, my first impression of Chris is hearing a skateboard behind me, feeling it zoom by me and watching some guy fly off of it and land very hard and began rolling on the cement. He's a good guy though, very funny and quite an interesting fellow.

They played, we listened, we all went to Taco Bell, they got food, we sat, they did something, we did something, it was fun though. Then we all went back to hear their band practice again. They played, we listened, they played, Dresden sang, we texted each other because we couldn't hear each other talk, Harbor played the bass, Kayla and I attempted giving Nathan corn-rows, Chris played drums while listening to his ipod (I still don't understand the logistics of that), we did stuff, they did stuff, we all did stuff. Then Nathans dad picked us up. Harbor and Dresden ditched us to go do something and we all piled into Nathan's dad's car. We sat in the car, Nathan's dad drove the car, we were all in the car. Driving. Then we got to Nathan's house.

This house is beyond gorgeous, everything about it is magnificent. It's just amazing. Even the bathroom is, I mean Kayla and I were just chillin' in there checking it out. It's strange to see a house that is so wondrous. Nathan even has a pool, which I am contemplating jumping in to off the roof. He also has sheep, and apparently a dirt bike which I have yet to find, and if it is there I will possibly ride it, for a very extended amount of time.

They hottubed, I pooled..alone....then I hottubed with them, then some pooled while others hottubed, and Chris and Kayla water-mountaineered, which is extremely entertaining if done correctly, we played 10-fingers which is never entertaining unless done very well. Stuff happened, I talked to Nathan's parents, more stuff happened, Ben got squirted in the face, we got pruney, we got out, I took over Nathan's bed, they ate food, Kayla drank water, Dakota took one bite of random foods and put the food back, I drank water, Nathan did not drink any coconut juice (or milk) at all.

After 9:00 we went to the front of Chris' house and left to go to Dakota's house. Then we left Dakota's house and found a cat, the we began walking again. So we walked, again to Main Street, again, and sat down somewhere. I wanted to hold someones hand and Kayla completely ditched me and Nathan came to my aid and held my hand, then Chris held my hand too, then Chris ditched me, and all the guys were walking quickly, except for Nathan because he was holding my hand and Kayla because she's a woman.

We walked, they walked, we complained, they slowed down, we didn't do anything about it. More of this kind of thing continued for the majority of the night. Then we sat down, and got back up and sat somewhere else. Then we talked, then Ben, Kayla and I went to go find my dad. He wasn't there, so we sat, and talked, and sat. Then we found my dad. Since Ben didn't have a place to sleep it had been assumed that he would sleep with Kayla and me. What we didn't know is my dad thought he was homeless and we met him five minuets before we met my dad and thought he was cute so we wanted him to spend the night. Ben is not in fact not homeless, but whenever I am around him he ends up not having a place to sleep, poor guy.

So we all said our goodbyes, then we slept. Then we woke up the next day and it was my birthday, but that birthday was crap so I refuse to recall any bit of it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Opening Speech

Opening Statements

Prostitution is violent and cruel at some points. It is way of degrading women because it abuses women's rights and violates their bodies. Any form of prostitution is having power over women.It makes women feel bought and sold and that they are only property to the people who pay for their services. Not only does it come with violence and abuse but also leads to disease and unwanted side effects such as pregnancy.
Prostitution is devastation to the human soul it permanently scars a human being from the brutality that comes from being involved in the life of prostitution.
rape: 70-95% of women were physically assaulted and 68 met the criteria for post traumatic stress disorder because of the abuse and 60-75% were raped. Some women were kidnapped and drugs were forced into their bodies causing addiction and were bought and sold into the sex-trade. Because of their addiction, they became enslaved and were forced to perform forms of pleasure against their will .
“The people who defend prostitution and pornography want you to feel a kinky little thrill every time you think of something being stuck in a woman.” even if a person is not out there soliciting sex from women, they are still always aware of what is going on out in the world of prostitution. they defend prostitution because they do not think that anything is wrong with this. they feel as if the thought of women performing sex is ‘kinky’ and that it is just a way of life. although some people have a mind-set on this topic, others feel as if this is repulsive.