Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Similar Stories-Stories that weren't Written

The stories where I have found a few similarities were the blogs A Heart of a Student by Shiyun Yang, New Era by Nawara Ahemed, and Ianna has a Blog Now by me. The similarities that I found between the three of us is that all of our families don't share stories. With Shiyun she discusses how unless prompted to tell stories her family doesn't discuss them. An example of this is when Shiyun states, "This story hasn't really survived in my family. My parents don't tell much stories and I don't think that they heard much stories from their parents either. Its sad to think that the family history kind of broken down and didn't get passed from generations to generations. I believe that there is a great story out there to tell, and it just never really got passed on. My only guess is that they don't want to tell the life of their sad living styles." I found this interesting because it relates to all three of us. We all know that we have a story to tell but we don't always have the resources to learn what the are.

One quote of Nawara's broke my heart, when she said "I have realized that connecting with Family history is also an essential quality and esteem to acquire because of the how sealed a household family can renovate into. For instance, many of my identifiable acquaintances inform their parents about their everyday existence- boys, school, faults, to broken-hearts- this demonstrates the kinship between the parents and the children. They are amid a great amount of comfort and wellbeing that they have they the strength to orally communicate their thoughts without a borderline.

Not having the capability to empathize and value my parent’s history is sad. To obtain family history is remarkable, and the aftermath always goes on- which is humbling.

When my parents reveal their history to us, I will cherish the stories and forever adore their adventures (mishaps and fortune). By doing so, the connections between my parents, siblings, and I will improve." I thought that this was a really good way of expressing how she feels about not having the stories of her family be present. Because of Nawara I have found a new appreciation to what I do know. Like Shiyun I do know a few stories, and though mine are not very accurate it's nice to know they are there. I really hope that soon Nawara will find her stories and achieve the emotions that she wants to portray with her parents and other family members.

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