Friday, December 17, 2010

Response 3

Hmmmmmm again, Mr. Sutherland my brain, it went on a trip somewhere else because absolutely no creative juices are flowing right now, sorry.

So, what do I think of the book? It's an amazing book, I can't deny it. Would I read it again, probably not because I never do that unless the book is the best thing ever. I like a dog for Christopher to try to makes amends for killing Wellington (holy crap I hear thunder, I could be something else..maybe). Wellington seemed to be Christopher's best friend. It's quite cute.

Ummmm Christopher (I am so over writing that name) is an absolute genius and his mother (being a bitch) canceled his test because she thought she couldn't get him to Swindon in time, but then she ran away from her love affair back to Swindon, and didn't make it so Christopher could take the test. Siobhan made that happen, I like her but I still don't understand how she got in Christopher's life. I'm pretty sure she's a teacher or and aide but who knows. Uhhhh I don't know why I feel so passionately about hating his mother. I guess she's just one of those people I don't like for some reason or another.

Damn...214 words....and its 10:45....super lame. I should have done this yesterday....crap. Hmm I don't think it's thunder actually...just something loud and boomy. 242 words.....omg...

This book, it, was good. It gave me insite to autism even though the author isn't autistic. He looks like a major creeper though, he has a creepy smile and his hoop earring is kind of poking out. He's an odd one....287....I really should have done this yesterday.

Back to the book. It was good, and I wouldn't reread it and I read it. (I'm back to thinking it's thunder) Okay, it's 317 words. I know it's not 350 but thats okay.

Discussion 3

Well, in the beginning the discussion was kind of lame because no one wanted to say anything and didn't really have any motivation, and this persisted the entire time. So, our discussion didn't give us any new insite or meaning to the book.

The ending was quite controversial in who liked it or not. Some wanted to know how Christopher's life and relationships ended up while others just enjoyed the ending. I was one of the people who was just glad it ended (no because I didn't like the book, I just liked the ending). We clarified a lot, we talked about things that happened, and such. Nowara asked a very good question, "What would you do if you were Christopher and in his position", even though no one really had an answer it was still a good level three question...and the only one...
(Mr. Sutherland, I'm sorry this is so lame, my brain just left the building and is already on break)

Weeeee talked abouttt...things....We contributed to the other discussion ironically. I suppose we found their book more interesting or something. (Oh my goodness this is only 180 words.....damn). Hmmm, well, I made it very evident I think the mother is a bitch and needs to go do something with herself. Even though she makes Christopher feel safe and he actually wants to be with her, she's still a bitch. It's very annoying how selfish she is and how she wants things that she can't maintain, like a relationship with Christopher. (The name "Christopher" is getting old, having to keep rewriting fun)

In the other discussion we talked a lot about how things are as opposed to now, and if things are regressing back to a form of suppression. People were also happy to say profane words otherwise not socially acceptable to say. It seemed that everyone had some input to that discussion.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Response to The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night-Time 2

I've begun to like this book more and more. It has slowly progressed into a book I actually like. I've noticed that the father seems almost abusive in all his profanities and alcohol consumption. One quote from his father is, "Holy fucking Jesus, Christopher. How stupid are you?" I found this ridiculously offensive. He said this because Christopher continued talking to Mrs. Alexander even after his father told him not to.

Later in the story we find out that Christopher's mother is still alive. At first he doesn't get it and tried to rationalize what he doesn't understand. Later he realizes what they all mean. All together there were forty-three letters, mostly about his mother's new life and her significant other, Roger (aka Mr. Shears), in London. Ironically in chapters later to come we find out that Mrs. Shears and Christopher's father had a thing going. His father felt so jealous of the dog she owned that he killed it. Not thinking of Christopher at all. Over all it seemed as if Christopher had a stronger bond with the dog then his father.

One thing I noticed is that the only person who has a first name besides Christopher is Siobhan. Everyone else had a Mr./Mrs./Ms. or it was in correlation to his relationship with them such as, father/mother/grandmother.

His mother is kind of a bitch, even though she seems to be the most important person to her because he keeps remembering her and wants to stay with her. I found it very interesting how even though she ran away with Roger she still gave Chris space. I know how Christopher feels in this situation and it's really amazing how she gave him time. Even though she wrote him every week saying how much she missed him, explaining how amazing her new life is and allowing him to be apart of it. She may be a bitch for some of the things she said, but this was an amazing thing she did and I respect her for it.

Response to Class Discussion 2

I find our class discussions to be getting weaker each week. It seemed like we didn't have the heart to really analyze the book like we did last week. We also seemed to all be on different pages. I noticed that I kept tuning out of our conversation and listening to the "Finding Alaska" group. There book seems quite interesting, but from what I've heard he didn't plan his adventure very well. Back to "The Curious Case of the Don in the Night-Time" discussion, we talked about how controversial our views on the mother are. Some of us call her a bitch, others don't blame her for leaving, and some don't know what she did. That is one thing troubling me about our group, we have such different takes on the book and some people know things others don't and its just frustrating trying to voice our thoughts while understand another's. We also have yet to understand autism. I think that is one of the major problems. None of us fully understand what we are reading so we keep asking questions to people out of our group hoping for answers but with that we have less time do discuss and analyze the book.

Just saying autism is: "Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior." Doesn't give us the insite we need to understand Christopher. What Mr. Sutherland said of how people with autism about a man who is a mathematical genius but doesn't read math like a different language but sees it like a painting and landscapes. He replaces numbers with colors and it just works. Gina said that having autism is like thinking in pictures instead of words and that just gave me a whole new understanding to autism.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Class Discussion Number 1

In class we discussed a lot about Autism. None of us really knew what it was. We all had ideas and knew little tid bits but over all we were uneducated on the topic of Autism. According to Wikipedia Autism is:
"Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. These signs all begin before a child is three years old. It is one of three recognized disorders in the autism spectrum (ASDs), the other two being Asperger syndrome, which lacks delays in cognitive development and language, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified, which is diagnosed when the full set of criteria for autism or Asperger syndrome are not met."

Autism is so interesting to me because it can happen genetically but can also be acquired through various ways.

We also discussed how Christopher says he cannot lie even though he does. We noticed a trend of him lying when he was told to not do something even though he wanted to-so he was going to do it anyways. He also lied saying that it was okay because they were only white lies. So, it seemed as though Christopher did tell the full truth to his version of the story.

We also discussed his emotions for his mother. He seemed to usually only think about people in his everyday life but he still talked about her even after death. We noticed how horribly she treated him. She would say things like, "Your going to drive me to an early grave" and such to try to emphasize how difficult he was. She also cheated on Christopher's father. Though it didn't have much of an effect on Christopher it impacted his family and his relationship with his neighbor-the one who slept with his mother.

This book is confusing to me because it seems rude to write from the mind of an autistic boy when the author is not himself-even though writing a story is about changing characters and and making the audience believe him-but on the other hand he was seen as an expert on autism after the book was written.

Response Number One

So far I like this book. I like how the author puts the reader in the mind of Christopher. I noticed that he is very sporadic in his thought patterns but that is what makes it interesting.

The book is about a fifteen year old boy named Christopher John Francis Boone, we come into his life when he finds a dog murdered with a pitch fork, because of his love for animals Christopher is determined to find the culprit. I could tell that something seemed off with Christopher, I began to notice this when he was trying to determine emotions through pictures of faces that his friend Siobhan drew to help him. He automatically knew happy and sad but when the expressions became more complex he began to struggle with interpretation. I thought that he had a social impairment mixed with an attention disorder, later I found out that he was autistic. This became evident when he was found with the dogs dead body. He was clutching it and mourning the death of his friend when the police officer came to question him. Because Christopher felt uncomfortable with the closeness of the officer he hit him to get him away and then was arrested for assaulting a police officer. Once he was put in his cell he felt more comfortable because it was what he had seen in movies.

Later in the chapter Christopher's father picked him up from the station. I thought the way they expressed love for each other was so sweet, because Chris doesn't like to be touched his father came up of a way to hug him without much physical contact. They spread their fingers into a fan and touch the pads of their fingers together.

One person Christopher seemed extremely close to was his mother. He often thinks about her and showed that he deeply cared for her when she was hospitalized, even thought he appeared to be aloof to the situation. Later in the book the audience finds out that his mother was unfaithful to his father from a woman named Ms. Andrews. It was extremely difficult to understand how he felt about this. All he did was promise not to tell and walked home. I feel like he knows that it is socially inappropriate but doesn't seem to care.