Sunday, August 29, 2010

ASTI Constitution

As a result, bullying is not a person’s real personality. Found on Nawara Ahmed's Blog.

I had never really thought about bullying from this perspective, I realize that not everyone is a good person but bullying its self is not a trait someone is born with it is an acquired trait that happened because the bully had been tormented itself or uncomfortable and attempts to take it out on an other individual. The act of bullying is to preform a degrading action that is only done to make the victim feel uncomfortable with themselves or to hurt their feelings. Usually when this happens the victim either has a trait highly desired or has a trait that is foreign to the bully.

The ASTI constitution is in correlation with bullying because it was made to prevent it. The quote chosen incorporates all of what is expected from an ASTI student. The rules that tie into the quote the most is to be empathetic to others and to take responsibility for your words and actions. Doing such would enable others to resist the temptation of using their insecurities to make others feel bad. 

The first and second ASTI rules are to: Think before you act or speek and to not exclude anyone for any reason. These rules are necessary for a peaceful community because without prior thought there would not be any filter in what is acceptable behavior and what is not. Exclusion is also a problem because of how it makes the ones excluded feel and how the excluders be so oblivious to what they are doing.

Rules three through five are to accept others for who they are, build mutual trust and respect and to always assume a positive intent for any miscommunication or issue. These rules were made to make it easier to communicate without conflict from a superficial issue.

The last two (not already mentioned) are to make a positive impact on the pople and environment around you and to resolve a conflict peacefully. These rules were created so each person can be in a heathy environment and any conflict created can be solved by the people who are involved and peacefully.  

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

13 Response: Just Kidding

One time that I have felt attacked by a larger group of people or have bullied was not by just one group of friends but by many boys in my school. All of them wanted a hook-up. I have been bullied before by a few people in my earlier years. They would tell me I couldn’t be their friend and that I was ugly, therefor I can relate to both forms of bullying.
Since the sexual harassment was more recent it has left fresh memories in my mind and lasting effects. Everyday some boy would come up to me and begin to use pick-up lines or just bluntly try to hook-up, some were worse than others. Most people would think this could be translated as a compliment, but not when you feel violated and not when rumors began to spread. They began with how much I preformed oral sex with men or how much I have slept around with men twice my age. The rumors began to become more elaborate and the boys became more aroused and felt it was okay to ask for “favors” or they would bluntly tell me we were going to have sex. When I rejected them they would become enraged and would create a whole new wave of rumors that would bombard me in the following weeks to come. I ignored the situation most of the time because I felt my options were scarce and thought I should just tough it out. Sometimes I would act that I did these things only to reject the boy creating embarrassment for the him but all it lead to was trouble.
I think people bully are truly insecure because all the boys that would hit on me were the loud, macho men of the school who would constantly brag about how much pussy they got and who was “tappin’ the most ass”. Since I wouldn’t give them what they wanted I became a prize highly desired, thats all I was, a shinny trophy that they could flaunt in eachothers faces. I never understood how I became “the prize” when no one won it, I have never felt more used than I had that year.
Harassment and bullying are in correlation because even though I was not teased or beat up I still had to deal with the constant snide remarks and groping from the boys who desired to do so. I plan to stop this form of bullying by helping people who are dealing with the same problems and giving them the confidence to stand up for themselves in a manner that wont result violently. I hope for any other people who have to deal with this that they will find a way to stop it soon.